13 Tips To Become A Successful Blogger

Procrastination has always been a major problem, especially if you are a beginning blogger. You may know what you have to do, know how to do it but still would rather put the things off instead of doing them.

Days go by, the work stands untouched and the heavy thoughts gather in your head each time you think of it… It so turned that lots of bloggers get into a situation like that. However, the issue is easy to avoid if one chooses the right approach to the matter. So with that, we have provided 13 tips to help you become a successful blogger.

1. Never stop being curious!

Being curious means staying on the streak. Check the other blogs and related sites, same as devoted forums and review sections. There you can, no doubt, find a relevant piece of information which you could borrow or take as a topic for a lively discussion.

Show you deep interest in what you write about; let the readers feel you are more than simply a post spammer. If you express opinions in a way that demonstrates your engagement, the audience will love reading you. And you’ll know for sure your attempts were not futile and the message you’ve sent has found its addressee.

2. Use modern software tools to gather information

Current technology allows people to always stay informed and well-versed. There are special applications that are used to monitor the trending topics. It is highly recommended that you download and install them on your computer. With the smart software at hand, you’ll save a great deal of time, which is normally spent on searching through the net.

By means of it, you can also listen to various discussions online and take part in those. In a world where everything is put on the electronic means of communication such conveniently designed tools may become the true saviours of your time and money. And the sooner you get them, the better for you.

3. Put down the idea that crosses your mind

As a writer, you should know how capricious the muse is. It may ignore you the whole day long and then strike like lighting when you’re having a good time with friends or speaking over the telephone, or do something else. It is important to ‘catch’ the thought immediately. Note down what you were thinking of that very moment.

In a modern society people always carry smartphones with them, use your phone as a notebook. Later on, you’ll get back to your bright idea, so strike while the iron is hot!

4. Never think too much, start doing

Planning is, of course, an important aspect of any work. However, it should not turn into constant ‘redevelopment’ of your work approach. Once you’ve built up the main structural concept in your mind, get to working. Don’t allow the thoughts to suck you in!

The one who thinks too much will finally be disappointed in all the previously issued ideas, mind that. The sooner you start doing the job, the faster you’ll get it done. Besides, the thoughts have a tendency to change as you proceed with your work. Thus, thinking a lot may even turn useless at times.

5. Never neglect the audience’s opinion

All the blogs primarily exist for one reason – to attract the audience and engage it in a discussion. A wise blogger would always pay attention to what people think of the issue or problem introduced. Neglecting the opinions will just result in the total desolation of your blog and negative reviews.

When readers leave their feedback they expect you to notice them and react somehow. Communicating with a reader is the right way to promote your blog and make it full of ‘life’.

6. Analyse the topics and add value to your discussion

Prior to posting anything one should have a clear picture of what he/she speaks about. Eventually, there should be a small research held by the blogger in order to demonstrate a proper level of competence. The topic relevance and the source trustfulness should become the key criteria of one’s blog operation.

Attach links to reliable resources instead of plagiarising the content; this will give evidence to what you write and will demonstrate your absolute honesty.

7. Get to writing when you are in the groove

There are times when you feel like doing something in particular: reading, playing, driving a car, etc. Same goes for writing.

When you are full of energy and fresh ideas, you can move the mountains! Once you find yourself in a state like that, get to writing immediately. You know, such frame of mind doesn’t come on demand, so don’t miss your chance to compose a true masterpiece when you can actually do it.

8. Do the first step asap

Wise men say: you don’t need to see the whole staircase, just make the first step. Once you’ve done it, you’ll get on top step by step. Basically, all you need to do is to get started and soon you’ll see the end of your work clearly. It doesn’t look that hard to write at least one initial sentence, does it? Stop thinking of the hardships you’ll have to face and the time you’ll need to spend, simply do it. And you’ll be surprised at how quickly the task will be completed. It’s always the first step that counts.

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9. Always start with the hardest task

There’s one simple rule – think of what bothers you most and get rid of it. The logics say that the hardest work needs to be done first (while you are still full of energy and determination). As soon as you handle the most complex task the rest won’t seem that hard to deal with. If you get used to working on a scheme like that you’ll always feel relieved and won’t be procrastinating anything. Remember, you are the master of your work! Don’t allow the writing task to scare you, make it be scared instead.

10. Address the problems of your readers

When you post some engaging and touchy content on your blog there’ll always be people willing to share their thoughts and problems thus, highlighting the relevance of this or that topic. Read the comments carefully. And if you see that some problem you’ve found requires a particular discussion don’t neglect the opportunity to address it. The readers are waiting for your feedback, they want to be heard.

Once you’ve given them what they need the interest for your blog will start rising exponentially. And, what’s more important, people will start trusting you.

11. Develop your blogging habits and stick to them

Developing blogging habits is one of the major aspects of your blog staying on the go. Some bloggers state that they’ve got used to blogging every week regardless of anything. No matter what happens, no matter what mood you have, get to blogging the same day every week!

Develop the habit to analyze the contents of other blogs. Don’t you be just a passive observer, leave your comments too, express your interest to what the other people do, invite the audience to your own blog and refer to your it on a regular basis.

12. Think of the benefits your work will grant you with

Bloggers admit that when you start thinking of your blog as of the source of benefits, the work is usually done much more productively. The first and the major benefit you get from blogging is the social network you create. The more people you have on your side, the more successful and profitable your blog becomes.

For those who have their own business, the blog becomes a source of sharing the information with the clients. The links and posts you attach can be a clear example of the services you provide, same as the products you deal with. Besides, blogging allows for expanding your knowledge in some particular sphere. The more you communicate with readers, the more you learn from their experience.

13. Set your timeframes and write within those

As an addition to habits, one may also mention setting the timeframes. Choose your own timelines and stick to them strictly, meaning, if you got used to posting every week, choose the day of the week and mark it as your deadline. The visitors of your site will develop the habit to check your blog every Tuesday/Wednesday just the same way you do.

Never procrastinate posting the content to some other day. By doing so you’ll be thrown off your stride automatically. Who knows, the next day your readers might not visit the site at all, assuming you’ve quit posting. Keep in mind, your blog exists as long as the readers show their interest for it. Let it be your primary goal as a blogger.


So these are the small tips a smart blogger should follow while blogging. There are always some obstacles and hardships at the beginning: the blog might seem abandoned, the visitors are not numerous, etc. However, one should not stop on that.

Blogging requires total commitment and quite a lot of your time and energy. If you lack experience in writing, or making the relevant posts and gathering audience you may check the other blogs and see how the work is done by professionals.

The ideas you pick from other resources may become a sufficient basis to get started. Just mind our tips and define your target audience. Hopefully, this was of some help. So good luck and may your blogging be informative and catchy!


This was just one of many other ideas about making money online without experience. If you want to discover more opportunities, check out our list of additional ways to earn money.



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