Best European P2P and Crowdfunding Platforms 2020

Here is a short quick list of the main features that each of these peer-to-peer (P2P) lending platforms have to offer. You can find out more direct information behind each of the Product & Features links.

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Bondora is an Estonian P2P lending company, and was founded in 2009. Bondora only allows users to invest in Euros, and focuses on unsecured consumer lending in Finland, Spain and Estonia. The investment base has over 45,000 investors, and boasts historical annual returns of over 10.7%. Only personal loans are issued through Bondora


Mintos is a Latvian P2P platform launched in 2015 and classes itself as a global online marketplace for loans. At the time of writing (December 2018), Mintos facilitates 58 loan originators which operate in 28 countries. The average net annual return for investors through Mintos is 11.16%, with more than 95,000 investors registered. Each investor has an average investment of over 4,000 Euro. Loans issued through Mintos are varied, including business, personal, mortgage, agricultural, short term, pawnbroking, invoice financing and car loans. Mintos also has a secondary market, where people can buy or sell their part in a loan for a discount or a premium, allowing you to achieve an even higher return.   Last Updated February 2019


Crowdestor is an Estonian crowdlending platform created in 2017. The name Crowdestor is a combination of Crowd and Investor. The platform connects investors with businesses seeking project funding. Crowdestor offers up to 5 new projects each month, seeking funding up to €750,000. Projects span many industries including real estate, hospitality, retail, concerts, renewable energy, forestry, video games, and movies. Most projects through Crowdestor are covered by a buyback guarantee fund, which is a separate provision type of fund. The buyback fund currently has a pool value of over €200,000. The interest rates of Crowdestor start at ~12% and can go above 20%.

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